Thanks for your comment.
I'll answer it point by point:
1. It's not women's job to help guys be more confident. Some guys are lucky and grow up in a sane family with parents that have healthy self esteem. Some aren't. Becoming confident can only be achieved with positive results. You will go talk to a girl and she may reject you. You will learn something and be better for the next girl you talk to, etc, until you find one who won't reject you.
2. I agree with you that the guys with confidence and self-esteem have no reason to settle down, but sometimes...they just want to. It's exhausting to jump from one girl to another. It's also nice to have a long term gf.
3. You have low self esteem and confidence....how do you expect others to like you if you don't like yourself? I am not one to think that people need more self care; rather, I think people need to f*cking around and do what they are supposed to. We all know what we *should* do, but rarely do it - rather, we do what we *want* to.
4. I am sorry you've been rejected. It's a cold world out there and when it comes to women, it's each on his own, player VS player.
5. Some schools will tell you to improve your skills, some schools will tell you "get a life you love". The sad truth is that it's both. Women have a 6th sense where they can sense who are the losers, and who are the savages. Ofc, they end up dating the savages...I think the best method to eventually become the best person you can become is Jung's individuation principle.
Thanks for reading!