I'll make abstraction of the fact you called my piece stupid without demonstrating how stupid (or false) it is (and instead hid behind "sociological perspective", whatever that means) to highlight that you took the pain to read the article (instead of blocking or muting me) which you knew was full of things you disagreed with.
So I can at least recognize your intellectual opennesse, which is quite rare on this platform.
I'll suggest that you have likely been disappointed and let down by (beta) males and became resentful as a result, falling for the false narrative that men are "toxically masculine" rather than realizing that it's the opposite - they are toxically un-masculine.
I don't blame you. I'd probably do the same thing were I in your shoes.
To this I think I owe you apology on behalf of men that let you down.
We should have done better.
Good times create weak men, weak men create resentful women. Resenful women remain single.
That's where we, as a society, stand at the moment.