Why School Doesn’t Prepare You for Life

What do you do when you have to figure out what the instructions are?

Aure's Notes
5 min readNov 23, 2020


When I was a kid, my grandmother told me the story of a doctor.

Ever since he was a child, the doctor had been a brilliant student. When he graduated from high school, he had decided to study medicine. During his studies, he was one of the best students of his promotion. He aced every test and was highly regarded by his professors.

Many had predicted him a great career.

After he graduated, he went on to work in a hospital. Unfortunately, he didn’t last a year there.

The reason? He sucked at his job.

School Doesn’t Teach You to Work

The doctor was smart. He was a hardworking person. His capabilities were perfectly suited for the school system, which is why he had excelled there.

The doctor was good to study, but he wasn’t good with patients. He had few social skills and failed to treat them correctly. He didn’t really enjoy direct contact with them. He liked looking at a list of symptoms, and investigate the disease. Not listening to people complaining all day long.



Aure's Notes

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